Sunday, February 27, 2011

Here I am...On the road again.

The last few days have been incredibly challenging, I have been hit on all sides not only in waking hours but in sleeping as well.  Anxiety is a tough thing to handle on its own, but add a week of nightmare filled nights and flashback filled days and you get a bit of a mess.

Today in church I cried through the whole service. At the beginning it was because I was so exhausted from the last 2 years of struggling, and by the end it was because I was reassured that I wasn't alone.  The pastor, one of the women in the church, and my sister spent a good amount of time at the end of the service reassuring me and praying healing and protection over me.  I was very encouraged and felt like I had the strength to move forward. The woman that was praying with us said something that I will never forget.  She said "Jesus lives at the end of your rope".  It was such a powerful visual because I have always heard "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on".  Putting the two ideas together was helpful and I was able to remember that I am most certainly not alone in this life.

I think that I fail to give the people around me enough credit because I only let them so far in and then put a wall up.  I have so much support around me and if they are anything like me, all they want to do is help their loved ones.  How much more does the God who made me care and want the best for me?  

How do you perceive your support and loved ones?  Do you support and allow others to support you?  We don't live in a vast world of people so we can all be autonomous and disconnected.  Nothing can live alone, every organism needs something outside of itself to maintain life.  Accept the life giving support and love that is around you.  When we look at our lives, we really never need to be lonely...YOU never need to be lonely, because if you are reading this....You have me.

You Are Loved!

1 comment:

  1. I too love the thought of Jesus being at the end of our rope - it takes a lot of the sting away from the often difficult journey. He is our Hope, I cannot imagine our troubles without Him! I understand your anxiety, Haley - hang on to Him and may your family be blessed! xo


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